Taking healthcare to the next level

How to Patient is an innovative platform that focuses on improving patient and provider experience. With our revolutionary training program, healthcare providers can learn the skills required to make meaningful connections with their patients and ensure better outcomes.

Address training gaps in medical education

Our platform is designed to fill the significant gaps in medical education, helping healthcare providers understand how to engage with their patients at a deeper level. We provide educational content that can be used for both students and experienced professionals.

Diverse courses

By utilizing our educational platform, healthcare providers can gain knowledge about understanding patients’ emotions, fears, and anxieties — resulting in improved patient-doctor bond. This helps create a positive environment for healing and recovery, while ensuring an overall better experience for both the patient and the provider.

Online learning

Our platform offers an easy-to-use interface with intuitive navigation options and detailed instructions so you never have to worry about getting lost or confused while learning. We make sure that you get the most out of your educational journey without any complexity or hassle!

Learn from the Best

Gain access to teachings from leading healthcare providers and educators, who are passionate about providing quality medical care and improving patient outcomes. Our platform provides a personalized experience for your learning needs, with interactive modules and case studies.

  • Unleash Your Potential  

Our platform helps you bring out your true potential as a healthcare provider. You can access a wide range of courses, resources, and tools that will help you gain the confidence needed to deliver exceptional care every day.



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What people say!

Golden Words!

My name is Vedner Guerrier, and I am the CEO of Memorial Hospital West. I reviewed Dr. Goldman's book and enjoyed the experience and the lesson provided within. Daily, we struggle with the patient experience, and this book offers vital strategies that physicians and other caregivers can use to improve all patient interactions.
Wow, I enjoyed this book as it focuses on effective communication styles and approaches, which all aim to improve the patient-physician relationship and foster enhanced communication. Anyone involved in patient care will benefit from this book's real-life situations and answers, allowing us to connect with the patients and families to improve their care experience journey
- Vedner Guerrier
Chief Executive Officer
Memorial Hospital West

Golden Words!

As both a Nurse Practitioner and Chief Executive Officer today, I know the importance of the patient’s experience and I strongly believe that this manuscript can be (and should be) utilized in educating physicians, allied staff, and employees on how to improve the patient’s experience. This tool is truly an invaluable tool!
Grisel Fernandez-Bravo, APRN, MBA, DNP
Chief Executive Officer
MHS Staffing Resources

Golden Words!

As far as a testimonial, please know I have handled Medical Negligence cases
for 39 years now, with my initial 5 years in practice defending Hospitals and
physicians, Including Jackson Memorial/ Ryder Trauma Hospital, the University of Miami
School of Medicine; and the last 34 years representing victims of medical malpractice.
Years ago I authored a Chapter in Critical Care, a textbook published by
J.B. Lippincott, entitled "Avoiding Legal Problems in Critical Care Medicine".
I was asked to write the chapter by Joseph Civetta, MD, the former head of
Critical Care Medicine at JMH.
Dr. Goldman's Treatise is a "Must Read" for any physician, nurse, or support
staff member working in an emergency room setting. Numerous medical negligence
claims get filed because patients and family members are excluded from the
dialogue: are not told of diagnostic test results, consequential lab findings or
discharge instructions. Many families seek legal assistance, even when the best of care
may have been provided, because they "don't really know what happened" !!
Demonstrating empathy and apologizing for delays allows the communication lines to
flow freely between patients and their health care providers. Medical arrogance has
no place in an ER setting, and Dr. Goldman properly explains that a crucial step in avoiding it
is simply to sit down with the patient or family members when you are speaking
with them and do not pre-judge who is sitting across from you.
David B. Mishael, Esquire
Coconut Grove, Florida

Golden Words!

During our medical training we learn how to perform a history and physical, develop a differential diagnosis, order, and interpret tests, and come to a diagnosis. What we don’t learn is how to effectively communicate with patients. Dr. Goldmans ‘The Goldman Doctor-Patient Guide to Effective Communication’ is the guide that all medical professionals need to read to communicate in a clear, concise manner, and, most importantly, that patients will understand!
—Ryan Voccia  
Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant

Golden Words!

Throughout my training, I always heard about the art of medicine, yet I have never found a book that I can read about it. It is something that is taught through trial and error and sometimes through stories. This manuscript simply allows anyone to learn how to communicate/interact with their patients as well as colleagues. This is what medicine is all about: knowledge, empathy, and the ability to make a difference. I wish I had this manuscript in medical school and residency. I highly recommend it and hope there will be another volume.
-Tahnie Danastor, MD, FACOG

Golden Words!

As a current medical student, the Goldman Guide provides an invaluable resource for those transitioning into their clinical rotations. Dr. Goldman has always been a role model and fierce advocate for hospital staff camaraderie, patient care, and most importantly, patient communication. With this guide, we can endeavor to improve the healthcare experience for everyone involved.
—Jonathan Muñoz, Medical Student

Golden Words!

Simple, yet powerful. Dr. Goldman has developed the secret sauce to enable providers to optimize the provider-patient relationship and improve the quality of care, outcomes, and the overall patient experience. Patients will rave about providers who consistently apply these practices.

Healthcare organizations continue to experience rapid change and must find simple and effective ways to “meet patients where they are “and deliver great care. This course does just that and can be a highly effective tool to help providers connect with patients in a more meaningful way to improve outcomes.
As new providers are on-boarded into an ever-changing environment and tasked with delivering great care, this course provides the “secret sauce” to connect with patients in a meaningful way to improve outcomes.
—Julie Staub
Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer
Jackson Health System

Golden Words!

The Goldman-Doctor Patient Guide to Effective Communication offers a concise and practical approach on how to speak effectively with patients and addresses a major void in medical education. It provides effective conversation tools which when implemented lead to a better healthcare experience for all involved. It should be incorporated into any curriculum preparing providers to care for patients.
Michael T Dalley, DO FAAEM

Program Director
Emergency Medicine Residency
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Miami Beach
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, NOVA Southeastern University

Golden Words!

In this guide, Dr. Goldman provides an insightful and interesting read related to patient communication and satisfaction. Each section provides a concise perspective with solid recommendations on how to handle some of the most challenging aspects related to communication in the care of a patient.
Robert T Hasty, DO, FACOI, FACP

Dean & Chief Academic Officer, Orlando College of Osteopathic Medicine (proposed - seeking accreditation) - OCOM

Dr. Natasha Bray, DO

Dean of OSU College of
Osteopathic Medicine
“I had the opportunity to read Dr. Kissinger Goldman's book "Doctor Goldman's Guide to Effective Patient Communication" and work through the on-line curricular course "How to Patient."

I am thankful to see such a thorough, straight forward guide for medical professionals that prioritizes patient-centered communication and provides skills for implementation by busy medical students, residents, and physicians. These concise tools emphasize the critical importance of effective communication in the physician-patient partnership for health.  

I highly recommend the book and on-line course to all medical educators engaged in the clinical teaching environment for medical students and residents. This will serve as an important tool teaching / assessing competencies in teaching patient-centered care, professionalism, interpersonal & communication skills, system based practice, cultural competency, and interprofessional collaboration.”